Tuesday, January 16, 2007

u live.. u learn

it's amazing how life keeps teaching u that lesson that u are not in control, no matter how much u plan or things seem to work out... there are no guarentees
i guess most of the disappointments goes back to the way we were raised.. or should i talk on a more personal level.. i was raised.. i some how belived ( in a way still do ) that when u treat people nicely, the least thing u deserve is to be treated well back, when u give ur best u will be rewarded, when u trust u should be at least gives credit, when u love people would love u back or just walk away.. be kind as much as u can, kindness touches the heart, maybe it did one time long ago not anymore ..
yet, u don't always get what u deserve ( if ever), people don't appreciate trust anymore, they don't belive u can be truly giving or happy for another.. as the anonymous quote says " u can't make someone love u all u can do is be someone who can be loved" ... we might regret trustung or loving people.. but was all that because they were worth it? or is it just the way we are?
do we really love that person, or the way they make us feel, or the image that we had for our life with them, or are we just content with finding a preson to fill that void in our lives....... and when things don't work out .. are we grieving for the person or all our lost fantasies...
and when we feel all that loss.. are the spaces we left in theirs missed too??
i guess one never knows............

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