Tuesday, January 2, 2007

concepts of forever

did u ever think what that word means to u.... "forever" ... and how much it's the first one to wear off...
when u were young u think ur parents are going to be there forever... and many things can change that... they might get seperated, forever is only left to the one ur staying with.... or one might die... then forever is definetly lost there, and u start dreaming of another forever with them in another life... i won't argue belif there but that's the case...

growing up , u think that close friends are going to be there forever, and u know what.. people grow.. and specially at early ages you grow apart more that together cause there are many aspects of your personality growing at the same time it's just hard to coordinate .. but it hurts u move on u meet other people and u grow, and more forevers crash down over you .. u change some more and life goes on.

a different aspect of forever is u think that older people are going be the smartest and the wisest forever, u have an ultimate trust in them.......... yet you grow, u change and u are exposed to situations and experiences they just havent been exposed to, u turn to them and u might find that their views just dont suit ur situation, and the inner conflict begins, the perfect image of the wise-always-right gets a bit blurry, and the lucky realise that they're just humans like everyone else, they are limited with the scope of their own lifes which might add or restrict yours if u let it... i am not underestimating older people, whether parents, family or whoever... personaly i do turn to them almost all the time... but there is this thin line of "my decision, my choices", and somethings no one can decide for you... you control ur own life, even if u think that at one point u were led on by, or forced by other persons or circustances.. well, wake up... u let that happen from the first place

there comes another troubling aspect of forever, when you are all grown, overgrown the concept of the family that raised u, a certain void develops inside and u reach out there to fill it... and finally u choose partner to fill it....... and dreams of forever begins....
this one can be a bit tricky, cause people differ in the ways they respond to their emotions... some lucky people can control them.... other less fortunate people are blinded by them ... they can be also lucky if they fall it the right hands ... but u know what the wrong hands out number them........ back to my point, suddenly a space open up in your life and that person fills it, u plan this year the next year, u name you children, the honey moon spots and all the fantasies and then BANG..... forever just runs out for one reason or the other, there's not enough space to name them all ........ forever may even run out and ur left to face the void alone.. or it may even run out while ur together but it's just not the same forever u had in your head..

i guess the only constant thing in life is change, so we have to accept it, cause u know what it's the only thing that keeps happening, the only forever that exists is the one that still didn't even start..

i hope it's not too gloomy for all of u.. i just hopes it adds some insight to anyone out there ... :)

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