Wednesday, November 20, 2013

baby don't hurt me... no more

why is there a trend of judging how big a wrong is according to the general norm, if I say something hurts me i expect you to stop it, i would do the same... it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks how trivial or small or even stupid it is.. I judge it by the pain in causes me not how people view it full stop. and after a certain amount of that I would stop caring cause i can only take so much.... do you seriously have to take it all the way there? I am not scared if you ... I am scared of me not caring and you should be too cause at that point nothing matters

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

i do not have a title for this post i just need to rant ...
a lot has happened and happening all around, and somehow i am stuck... why ? i do not know, i am tied by my own thoughts, they are building a wall that is getting taller and thicker everyday separating me from everyone even myself which i do not recognize anymore... somehow by the time i finish tending to everything they picture to me as important there is not space for me anymore.......
i miss me... i can't go back to who i was and i am not satisfied with who i have become ...

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Misery likes company

It is amazing how and why people like sharing sad and negative emotions rather than happy ones, i used to think that maybe it is because they are afraid through sharing them the might loose them. while as women when we talk about things that bother us we feel better, but recently i am starting to believe that maybe it is because bad / sad moments are more than the good ones, they over shadow everything in a way... things may apparently look perfect but under that thin shell you never know!!!
maybe i am becoming an old in content person,  sometimes it am confused at myself is it really that bad? am i over doing it, are the things that are bothering me really trivial? am I shallow? i always thought that one is the reference of what is important and what is not cause things that please or bother me are different from any one else's but somehow i am forced to caliber by feelings according to other people and i am getting tired of that ... i want someone to tap me on the shoulder and tell me it's ok and i am normal .... i have the right to feel bad !!!!!