Saturday, January 6, 2007

just a short reflection

well i make this one a short reflection, cause i am tired, it's late and i need to just crash.

this thought gets me all the time sometimes, and last night when i was crammed in my car at 3 am in the morning, the temprature is close to 4 degrees the least, i realised there are so many tiny things in life we take for granted.... how much we should be thankful for the tiniest things in life........ my warm bed, my home, a warm shower and a decent meal that regardless of how cold, desperate and alone i was at this moment, i am lucky to have these things to go home to... and it's not cause i worked hard to achieve any of it... i was just born where i am el 7amdulle allah.

i was thankful that i am not in pain as many of the people who are staying at the hospital that night, i was thankful that i am on that end of the world, the giving hand, as tiny as it may give right now... but at least it's trying.. i am thankful that i am sound and that my close ones are too.. that i am not worried about someone i care for that way those people freezing in the cold waiting for their loved ones are..........

i am thankful that i have this insight .. that this life with all it's hopes and heartbreaks is just transient... and no matter how bad i might feel sometimes, if i have done my best there is no use making my self feel even worse about my losses.... i have so much yet... and i should try my best not to loose focus of the things i have...

might sound too idealistic, i must confess it's hard and i haven't got the hang of it much... but i am trying .... and hopefully one day i'll have enough insight to look only forwards, beyond that life..

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