Friday, January 26, 2007

is forgetting a blessing?

it's what i consider an eternal question ..
sometimes we forget things that hurt us.. which can help is let go, help us move on and forget the pain whoever or whatever caused us............. but does that prevent us from doing the same mistakes again? does it help us see what went wrong.. or do we forget the lessons along with the pain they caused..
sometimes we forget details and memories as we loose our loved ones, sometimes this kind of forgetting can be painful, we feel that we have kind of betrayed them ... we try to hold on to the mental images and happy moments in our heads as they fade away with time and there's nothing we can do about it, the more we try to remember the more we realise we forgot...
on the other hand there are certain memories that stir that deep pain inside of us and we never seem to let it go, it's like we're dilerberatly hurting ourselves longer and even deeper and enjoying torturing our souls that way........ fooling ourselves into thinking we're going to forget by time.......


Anonymous said...

Forgetting is a sign that we are aquiring new memories, that we are changing and biulding on new grounds. I think the reason we forget is that we have replaced that memory with something new, something more inline with who we are today. The reason I forgot all about my teenage crazy years is that i'm grown and have new priorities and interests. The hurt I felt when my first relationship tumbeled down kept haunting me for years, and time did not heal the wound. Only when I found a new love were those memories wiped out. Is it a blessing you ask? I think everything in our life is a blessing. Having had that person in your life is a blessing coz some people never got to feel loved and cared for. Ask yourself, would you rather have met the person then lost that person, or never having met that person at all?

NooNa said...

this is one tough question u ask there noosh .. some people belive in that quote " it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all", but i don't think i am this kind of person, maybe when we love and loose we learn lessons to be more careful and there for avoid that kind of love all together .. but personally i belive that some doors better remain closed than face the void of them opened and empty... and too many lessons learnt means too many things to watch out for... and belive me it;s brain wrecking
yet i don't mean forgetting in a romantic sense only, u can forget a close friend or relative passing away, or even a best friend that time drifted u both far apart ..

Anonymous said...

" it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all"...... i totally don't believe in that..i mean if u never have loved at all u'll never know what u r missing ....but when u love someone lover or best friend or anyone dear then lose that person u'll know the real meaning of loss n no matter how hard u'll try to forget one day u'll remember n u'll miss what used to be so i guess we never really forget anything ... the imprint is always there........

NooNa said...

dear anonymous,
that's one of the things i was refering to in my post.. sometimes u just don't forget... and sometimes not having experienced certain feelings at all , is better than their loss